My Mindful Pup

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Different Training For Different Dogs

Let's Start Training!

As a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant, My Mindful Pup started training dogs in 2007. 

To make sure that you receive the most effective and up-to-date training, we offer several training services within our training programs to address you and your dog’s specific needs and challenges.

Libby, Luther, Krowha

Training Camp

From puppies to adults, potty training to off leash walking, our home-away-from-home Training Camp is designed to provide your pup with consistent, every day training Monday through Friday. Your pup will go home at the end of the day on Friday with a go-home lesson for you to practice over the weekend before returning to camp on Monday to continue their training process. No, this is not what you’ll see with typical board and train programs. Our program is to ensure that what was taught from us transitions easier over to you. Plus, we know how much you’ll miss your fur-baby! You’ll receive pictures, videos, homework, and 2 follow-up lessons per week of Training Camp.

Personal Training

If you’d prefer to work one-on-one with a trainer once or twice a week and are able to continue the training on your own throughout the rest of the week until your next lesson, then Personal Training is for you! Training will start in your home to make sure you and your pup have the foundations before going out in public settings. The number of lessons it will take to achieve your goals will be determined by your goals, the time you put in to the training, and your dogs personality. 

Day Training

Day Training is similar to the Training Camp program but without leaving your pup overnight. You’ll drop off and pick up Monday through Friday and still have the benefits of pictures and videos of your pups daily training, homework, and 1 follow-up lesson at the end of each week. Drop off is from 7:00 am to 9:00 am and pick up from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

Group Classes

Group classes are a great way to have fun with your dog, test their training, and expand the creativity of canine enrichment all in a safe and controlled fashion. We work heavily on your dog’s ability to maintain obedience and control around other dogs, people, and new environments. All dogs who would like to participate in Group Classes will have to first complete the Positive Puppy or Basic Obedience. Group classes that we offer are Puppy Class (5 to 8 months old), Basic Obedience (8 months and older), Advanced Obedience (12 months and older), and Field Trips (8 months and older). 

Don't miss out on your free evaluation

Let’s create the training plan to accommodate your goals.